The costumes -Avery helped with his robot decorations. He drew, colored and cut out pictures of the sun, saturn, the moon and other celestial objects.
Paige was a fairy. The wings on the back were my favorite. Also note, Grammah's tree costume.
... and we couldn't forget Buggie - the rooster!!
We had some friends over for lunch - we made orange gingham treat bags filled with loot and creepy cupcakes. We didn't take pictures of our other creepy concoctions... like hotdog mummies and mozzarella monster fingers!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
This was too funny not to share... I had just returned home from grocery shopping when I noticed that Pants had taken an apple from one of the bags. We turned around to see her squatting and seriously eating her chosen snack. (...she had been wearing a cute purple skirt with her tights and boots... really!)
We all enjoyed our trip to the pumpkin patch. We fed the goats, had a wagon ride, sipped fresh apple cider and enjoyed ice cream cones on a sun drenched October afternoon.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Avery had his second soccer game today. He is really enjoying soccer, and we are having a fun time with it too.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Thursday, August 06, 2009
New Dress for Pants
I've had this maternal need to make my daughter a dress... I can't explain it... but I've had an ache to do this. Apparently, this need is shared by own mother who made this beautiful dress for Pants. It fit perfectly.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Free Range Organic Turkey
Today, we cooked the turkey that I harvested in May. Since it was my first turkey, we decided to de-feather, clean and freeze the turkey whole. Despite the expert guidance and assistance from my Mom, it was a lot of work, and I am not sure if I would do that again, and might just take the breast next time.
Today, Jen baked the bird in a roasting bag with some chicken broth added to keep it moist. I was pleasantly surprised at how good it came out. It was moist and very tasty. It tasted nearly identical to the thanksgiving turkeys that we are all used to. Except, as I reminded Jen, this was a genuine free range organic bird.
Friday, July 03, 2009
We have been enjoying our staycation this week. We scored some serious loot at a couple of yard sales, including a playhouse for the kids and a bike for Avery. Not to mention that Avery picked up Woody AND Buzz Lightyear for 50 cents. We also finally got to building that little patio and made our first trip to Chuck E. Cheese's.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
When Avery was small, I loved signing with him. I did not know any sign language before learning with and teaching him. It was amazing to have him start signing at just 10months old, be signing like crazy by 12 months and then to be verbally saying the words he had been signing by 15months.
Paige has been on a different course. For those of you who know Paigey Pants well - you'll understand. I started signing with Paige earlier than Avery, since he took to it so quickly. She signed 'milk' at just 8 months old. She quickly played the imp and decided it was fun to tease mama and made up her own fake sign for milk. She has been signing 'all done' after meals for some time now. Other than that, she's been fairly content to just grunt. The three of us can differentiate the grunts and know precisely what she is requesting. Over the past few days, however, she's become a signing maniac!!!! She signs 'thank you' when buckled into her booster seat at the table or when Avery kisses her; she signs 'airplane' everyday as we leave daycare and she sees the plane at the air museum or when she spots one in the sky (this sign is accompanied by a machine like noise as well!); she signs 'hat', 'baby', 'hot', 'bath'; tonight she learned 'dog'. Its simply amazing!!! Its so much fun to have our babies communicating before they gain their verbal skills.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Paige and her baby
Monster Jam!
Camping at Lamoine State Park
Over the Memorial Day long weekend we headed down to what is becoming one of our regular camping spots, Lamoine State Park. It's another nice state campground and close to Acadia.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
First Turkey

Monday, April 27, 2009
Acadia Camping Trip
Avery enjoyed riding his bike on a closed portion of the campground road and Paige spent a lot of time walking around the campsite exploring.