Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A Stationary Walker

Avery has started playing in his ExerSaucer. It's basically a wheel-less, stationary walker. Apparently walkers are too dangerous. Stairways and all. Anyways (archaic version of anyway), he is enjoying trying out some new things. Bluedog is currently his favorite toy. We plan to introduce Bluedog in a future post. So how about that red hair? Posted by Hello


KMR said...

Those walkers ARE dangerous!! Jason, remember when you caught one of my kids as they took the walker down my basement stairs?!! Weeeeee!!

JR said...

Ok, so maybe walkers are dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, walkers are dangerous, especially over thresholds!! But, I had one for all the kids...just have to watch them!!!!! I like the red hair!!