Tuesday, January 31, 2006


So Avery and I were driving home yesterday and we were listening to a CD because he looks at me with a funny look until I turn on the music. The song got done and he turned to me and yelled, "Yaaaaaaay," and started clapping. He did the same thing on drive this morning. How cute? -jgr


Anonymous said...

I can remember when Isabelle did that. It is so funny...cause they wait until the music stops before they clap.

Fiddler said...

How fun to witness this... So what kind of music does little A seem to go for?

KMR said...


Anonymous said...

Avery likes all kinds of music... but he especially likes dad's alternative rock... he was rocking out to Sublime last night.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to a song the other day, where there is a lyric that says, "Go to hell" and Isabelle sang it. No more bad mommy music for her. Eek.