Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Walk in the Woods

We went out for a walk in the woods to find a geocache today. In the process, we found a great new place to take walks. It was a warm day and Avery had fun stopping along the trail to touch the trees. Max was happy to get out and tromp through the woods too. We managed to find the geocache after a bit of searching. We're looking forward to more warm weather like this and getting out into the woods. Posted by Picasa


Fiddler said...

Good for you guys for getting out today... Great photo too! Quite a caching family...

shroomAzoom said...

Yeah! Another cache for the Richard family. I was out doing some maintainence on one of my caches today and Jenn taught me how to use the sewing maching so I could make cool little cache hangers (I call them diapers) to hang them from trees.

Anonymous said...

Where's the snow? Looks like summer up there!

shroomAzoom said...

Hey, that's right! There's no snow on the ground! That's so not fair.