Monday, April 10, 2006

Building on 11

Avery now signs 11 signs: eat, more, all done, milk, baby, cat, dog, bird, airplane, bath and signing time. He's almost got shoes (he signs more... but we know what he means) and yes and no. I strongly encourage anyone with infants to try signing. Its just so incredibly amazing how much A can communicate and how much he absorbs and learns!!!!


Anonymous said...

he also made up a sign for "bunny"

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love it when Avery signs. He can let you know if he wants some milk...and NO, it won't impede his speaking skills. He already says, mama, dada, etc.
We love him!!!!!

KMR said...

Just like the FOCKERS!! very cool. I wish I could've done this with my kids!

Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued. My friends do this with their child. Is there a book on it that tells you what/how to?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

We started out repeating only a few signs at dinner (more, all done, eat, milk). We started around 8 months. Once in awhile we could get him to repeat a sign after us, but he didn't really do it very much.

Around 12 months we purchased one of the "Signing Times" videos. They're a little corny... but our son loves to watch them. Soon after, he quickly began initiating the signs.

There are several books/videos on the market. You can find some signs online also.

Fiddler said...

It's a really cool thing to watch A communicate via signing... I was skeptical at first, wondering how developed his eye:hand coordination was... But to see the look in A's eyes when he 'tells' his mom and dad what he wants, priceless!!