so the first one, Earl, was a male, and the second one, a! I wonder if they have some little ones roaming about. They don't make much noise! Congratulations on the two catches..
Was the blanket there to keep her warm? I would have let her feel the chill air (well, it's cold in Thunder Bay at least.)
What they've been doing with bears in urban areas in Timmins this year is trapping them, but instead of releasing them way out in the forest, they release them close to where they've been caught (but where they can escape to the forest) and then shoot them with beanbags and make loud noises. The idea being this negative reinforcement might deter them from returning.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying the squirrel chronicles. :)
Well, it seems quiet on the home front now that Earl and Pearl have been captured! Let's just hope cousin Merle and Shirl-ey don't pop in for a visit, if they find no one home they might just decide to hang around til the folks come back home!
so the first one, Earl, was a male, and the second one, a! I wonder if they have some little ones roaming about. They don't make much noise!
Congratulations on the two catches..
Was the blanket there to keep her warm? I would have let her feel the chill air (well, it's cold in Thunder Bay at least.)
What they've been doing with bears in urban areas in Timmins this year is trapping them, but instead of releasing them way out in the forest, they release them close to where they've been caught (but where they can escape to the forest) and then shoot them with beanbags and make loud noises. The idea being this negative reinforcement might deter them from returning.
Anyway, I'm really enjoying the squirrel chronicles. :)
Well, it seems quiet on the home front now that Earl and Pearl have been captured! Let's just hope cousin Merle and Shirl-ey don't pop in for a visit, if they find no one home they might just decide to hang around til the folks come back home!
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