Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Avery Monster

This Avery actually acting like a little monster. He thought the Cat Chow looked a lot like his Cheerios! Even when he's naughty, he's just so cute!

Last night, Avery said "da-da". Avery watched his dad say it a few times... then he moved his lips (no sound), then he progressed to "da" and then "da-da". I asked him to say mama - he looked at me, smiled and said "da-da" and looked at Jason. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

...and Jen, he will continually smile every time he says da-da, too! He is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I remember when Isabelle would laugh and laugh and look at you and say dada! I thought it was funny then... it wasn't funny last night. You really look at the whole world differently as a parent.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, he'll soon say mama, and then it never stops, haha...

Anonymous said...

grammah: then Jen will say, you always say "mama", can't you say da da!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can remember my mom joking about chainging her name because we wouldn't stop caling for her.....trust me, your turn is coming!

Anonymous said...

Hey JR, I couldn't agree with your post (Avery Monster) more. Keep up the good work. deer hunting blinds