Sunday, March 20, 2005

Back to work, and more photos for Gram

So I'm heading back to work tomorrow and Jen will be on her own. She'll be posting something herself soon. It's been nice to spend some time at home with my family. The weather has been so nice the past few days and taking walks has been especially nice. Avery is spending nights in his own room now. While he's silent when he's awake (mostly), he makes some pretty strange and frequent sounds while he's sleeping.

I've posted a few new photos to keep Gram checking back, and because she reminded me that I hadn't posted any new ones for a couple of days. If anyone would like to get prints made of any photo they see, let me know, and I'll email you a high-quality image.

- Jason


Anonymous said...

Photos are great... They're a fun way of sharing little A with my friends at work... I know lots of other folks are enjoying his pictures and progress notes... Great job with the web page...