Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Special Day

I'm not an overly syrupy sweet kind of girl. I'm really a matter of fact, tell it like it is, unsympathetic, overly stubborn and opinionated kind of girl. I don't whisper sweet nothings in my husband's ear. I don't give him mushy cards with or without reason. I hope he knows that I love waking up with him, I look forward to my afternoon email from him "EB", I love this beautiful and amazing child we have created. For those of you who don't know, the blog namesake comes from how long we have known each other... since we were about 11. We have experienced some bumps along the way and I suspect there will be a few more to come, but that's life, right? I am very lucky and thankful to be sharing mine with my husband. Happy Anniversary. Big fat EB to you!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, anniverseries are very special....and to tell you the truth, didn't realize it was yours today. I, as a rule, don't send out anniv. cards. Hope that you guys have a very special evening together. Just think, we will be celebrating our 48th this year. I've climbed a good many mountains to make it this far!!!!! ( I bet he has, too... :)

Fiddler said...

Happy Anniversary to the sweetest couple ever... I love looking through photos and finding pictures of the two of you all those many years ago...

JR said...


KMR said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm glad you're part of the family Jen.
Love you both!

Jaime said...

That was a very sweet post... esp. since I can relate to the non-mushy-ness thing. ;)
I hope you guys have a great anniversary celebration! (Need a sitter this weekend?) :)