Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Avery was sick on Sunday night and again last night... so its another home day for him. He is still having some digestive issues (I'll spare the details) but feeling a bit better. He loves to read the Sesame Street Library books that were mine as a child. One of the volumes showed how to create a Twiddlebug village. We spent the morning creating our own version. He used his scissors, tape, glue, paper and stickers to decorate the box buildings. I love experiencing his imagination and creativity! Paige supervised.

Note Avery's new haircut. He is not impressed that we "cut it all off" with the clippers. I usually cut it with scissors which takes a long time and lots of patience by Avery. The clippers were much faster.


Fiddler said...

Looks like you all had a fun time :) Lucky Twiddlebugs, to have a VW microvan!

KMR said...

Awwww :)

Anonymous said...

In that first picture, Avery looks EXACTLY like jason when he was that age. Holy cow.